Environmental Design


As part of a whole office redesign, TPG Architecture created this Hall of Jerseys for the NHL. I, as part of the Graphics team, first tried to use game photos for the panels, however we were not able to achieve a high enough resolution. This resulted in me taking an afternoon to visit the NHL headquarters and work with their photographers to model the jerseys and gear to create these images. I then cropped and composed each shot to best show off the teams’ logo in each panel.


Headquarted on Long Island, Newsday requested to feature iconic photos from the area in their entryway. The goal was to completely envelop anyone passing though in a pictorial history of Long Island. The images are printed on metal.


As part of Chegg’s new office design, they asked to bring in elements from daily NYC life. My main contribution to the project was this subway themed hallway and booths. Working from architectural elevations, I incorporated the subway doors in with the physical doors in the space. The booth section was designed to emulate the interior of a subway car.


Book Covers

